March 13: Kirsten Ihns and Scott Vincent Campbell at the cclouds

March 13: Kirsten Ihns and Scott Vincent Campbell at the cclouds

WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME you went to an artist talk at which two artists presented a dialogue-through-objects? It’s been too long, right? Same here. But check this out: there’s a tremendous opportunity to see Kirsten Ihns, author of sundaey, in a free event at 10:00am PST tomorrow, March 13th, with Scott Vincent Campbell. Ihns is (as you know) a poet, Campbell is a visual artist and curator, and the two of them, in the official description of the event, “will share their work, and will also present a dialogue-through-objects, constructed collaboratively with each other’s work.”

This event is the latest installment of the cclouds (yes, that is how it is spelled), a graduate-student-organized reading and artist talk series sponsored by the University of Chicago. Further information about the event can be found in this notice on The Visualist, but the basic details are below. WATCH the artists talk! SEE them dialogue through objects!

the cclouds: rain plan

Kirsten Ihns x Scott Vincent Campbell.

Saturday, March 13, 2021

10:00 AM – 11:00 AM PST


Order sundaey from Propeller Books (shipping is free).

Kirsten Ihns earned her MFA from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, where she was a Teaching-Writing Fellow. She is currently a Ph.D. student and Neubauer Presidential Fellow in English at the University of Chicago, where she studies texts that seem to want to be images. Her poems have appeared in Hyperallergic, The Iowa Review, Black Warrior Review, The Offing, BOAAT, inter|rupture, Yalobusha Review, DREGINALD, Bennington Review, TAGVVERK, and elsewhere. She is from Atlanta, Georgia.

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